"It takes unshakeable relentlessness, focus, perseverance, and faith to risk everything to believe in yourself and your dream".

SEE (Seek Experience Experts) Program

SEE program Sign

The SEE Program assists the entrepreneur with the full launch of their product/service. It takes them by the hand and leads them to the finish line at an accelerated pace. The entrepreneur meets with the SEE consultant monthly via phone or video conference and receives one-on-one coaching.

The entrepreneur also has direct access to key professionals such as: CPAs, Lawyers, Business Coaches, Branding Experts, Website Developers, Manufacture liaisons, IT Developers, PR Managers, Radio Advertisers, and more. These professionals are at an additional cost to the entrepreneur and not included in the SEE consultant hourly rate.

The rate is $200 per hour for the SEE Consultant. There is a nonrefundable retainer fee of $1000 for five hours. The SEE program is offered in blocks of five hours and is nonrefundable. The SEE consultant cannot guarantee the success of the product/service. There is risk involved with any start-up, and even with professional guidance, a business can fail. Therefore, the entrepreneur must be aware of this risk before paying for the SEE program. However, the SEE consultant will put forth every effort to reduce the financial risk of the entrepreneur.

Contact us for details!

SEE will...

  • Develop a step-by-step business execution plan
  • Create a project cost analysis
  • Hire professionals to execute the product/service
  • Oversee the product/service development process